Archive for year: 2022
WITCHBLOOD – “Sword and Sorcery” album out now on CD!
/in NEWS /by archaicNewest album to bring an end to 2022. 12 new Witching Metal tracks & the first demo from 2008 included! Order now on the shop!. Co-released/European distribution by Werewolf Promotion.

THEUDHO. Blackened/Pagan Metal. New album & re-issues now available!
/in NEWS, Uncategorized /by archaicANGELUST – “Carnal Rites” (CD)
/in NEWS /by archaicBlack ‘N’ Roll (Thrash meets Black metal) from the USA! Originally released exclusively on LP in 2020. Two years shortly after that, the CD demand was met. The time has come, and it is fully mastered & restored to give you the maximum volume output. Featuring rhythmic heavy guitars and drums, blackened shredding vocals, and soaring guitar leads in the vein of old SODOM, MOTORHEAD, VENOM, and SLAYER!

NINNIXU – “Collection” (CD)
/in Uncategorized /by archaicCompilation released back in 2008 of this USBM horde! Covers all their material from 2001-2003 plus newer bonus tracks. This compilation includes 1-6: Destructive Forces Obscure. 7-11: Ninnixu 4-way Split. 12-16: Ninnixu / Nazarene Whore Split. 17-19: + Bonus Material. Includes members of DECEMBER WOLVES, DEATHGOD MESSIAH, & WITCH TOMB.
MORD – “Imperium Magnum Infernal” (CD)
/in Uncategorized /by archaicOriginally released in 2006: MORD’s one & only high ranking full length album. Black depressive metal features members of XASTHUR, FUNERAL MOURNING & BLASPHEMOUS CRUXIFICTION. Tracks:
When Ordering:
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We are almost back on track with over 2,000+ products on the shop & more coming! With hopefully more music releases on the way!
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